The newest Version of Protogrid is here: Protogrid 1.3! The numerous new features allow you to add your own actions and elements and create more individual applications. See below for more details about those new features.


  • CSV Import and Export: Unrestricted import and export of any data is now available. You can populate Protogrid with your own data without any efford. Data which was acquired in Protogrid can be archived or migrated to different plattforms easily.
    CSV Export
  • Blank Canvas Widget: Those widgets provide a blank space on your card which can be filled with any desirable content. You could for example add images or diagrams to increase productivity.
    Blank Canvas
  • Programmable Buttons: Create your own buttons with individual actions everywhere inside your application. The logic behind a button click can be freely defined in JavaScript. Protogrid provides you with the necessary boilerplate to get started.
    Programmable Buttons

Additional Features

  • Flexible Read and Write Permissions: Read and Write Permissions can now be defined for every individual Card, in addition to the Proto-wide settings that Protogrid offered before. Thus, sensitive data can be protected on a more fine-grained level or a detailed workflow can be realised.
  • JSON-API: The JSON-API was extended by new functions such as summing automatically over specified field values on cards or or accessing the contextual data for the current user.
  • Convenient Implementation of the Client-ScriptLibrarys: On creation of a new Client-ScriptLibrary, useful helper functions and explaining examples get loaded automatically.
  • Start Applications: All environments are now extended with Start Applications. Those apps give you a glimpse at the power of Protogrid and can be adjusted and applied with little effort. New Start Applications will be added regularly.
  • Time-Only-Fields: Now you can configure Date-Time-Fields to store and show only a time value. This is for instance useful, if you have to type in the same date several times otherwise.
Additionally, there are many improvments regarding stability, speed, visual optimizations as well as user friendlier error messages.
Find what's already planned at "Upcoming Enhancements". Can't find what you're looking for or do you have different priorities? Let us know and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!