JavaScript is established as an integral part of the modern web. While static web pages were very usual in the early days of the World Wide Web and a long time after that, it's not possible to imagine pages without dynamic content nowadays. Due to its wide spread, there are many platforms and web services offering a Javscript API. Hereby, a Protogrid App can easily be extended with external services. For example, to make automatic storage of searchable content from photos or scans in Protorid available,'s JQuery/Ajax API easily can be implemented. As shown in the screenshots, the scanned text is stored in less than no time and sent by mail to the user.
Google also offers a API for its map services.
Using this API the location of an address can be determined and afterwards shown on an embedded map. In Protogrid, there only has to be a corresponding field in which the map will be displayed. Via ScriptLibrary, a listener for the address field is defined which queries the API and updates the embedded map when the address changes ("onchange" event).
Of course, this functionality is not limited to Google Maps. Bing Maps and Openstreetmaps offer similar APIs, to name at least two alternatives.